除了鑑賞了藝術家的作品,也不斷的反覆練習著觀察與拚貼的技巧。小朋友觀察每一種水果與蔬菜的外型與觸感,圓圓而光滑的蘋果、像月亮一樣的香蕉 …他們運用了豐富的聯想力來創作特別的造型。
這次課堂我們介紹一位藝術家阿爾欽博托(Giuseppe Arcimboldo,1527年-1593年),他是義大利文藝復興時期著名肖像畫家。他的作品特點是用許多的水果、蔬菜、花、書、魚等各種物體來堆砌成人物的肖像。四百多年前的作品也多麼富有創意!
除了鑑賞了藝術家的作品,也不斷的反覆練習著觀察與拚貼的技巧。小朋友觀察每一種水果與蔬菜的外型與觸感,圓圓而光滑的蘋果、像月亮一樣的香蕉 …他們運用了豐富的聯想力來創作特別的造型。
在生活出現平凡無奇的生活物件,經過精心設計展示,每件物件都可以建立出獨屬自己美態。 插畫家吳怡欣及攝影師丈夫林林兩人走遍街頭巷尾的雜貨店、菜市場、五金行、寵物店甚至軍用品店採買兩百五十件生活用品。 在華山文創產業園區的「普通。美」展覽中,原來這些看似普通的生活用品在燈光一打下去,會散出很美的光影。 或許我經常畫畫,總是喜愛把物件分明、灰、暗三個色調,看似簡單的物件在畫紙上愈難表達。當你認真觀察身邊的小東西,你會發現即使單色的設計,也會看到很多的色彩。 當靜心定眼細看時,每個人都可以從普通的物件中發掘出獨屬自己美的邏輯。 展覽時間:7/19(四)-8/15(三) 11:00-21:00 展覽地點:華山文創產業園區 紅磚六合院 入場性質:免費參觀 台中市有一條色彩繽紛的彩虹眷村,一筆一畫的改造了眷村的竟然是一位原籍香港的伯伯。87 歲的黃永阜退休後畫畫自娛,在眷村的牆面、地板畫滿可愛的角色、動物和彩虹,想到什麼就畫什麼。他在還寫上很多「平安」、「感恩」等吉祥話,希望來別人也能得到祝福。 路人攝下後放上網,這條村便多了個「彩紅眷村」的名號,此後每日遊人絡繹不絕。 這處舊眷村在文山春安自辦重劃案中,被劃為住宅與道路用地,會像菜園村般難逃拆除的命運。各界人士透過網路發起搶救行動,希望保留「彩虹眷村」。市長了解市民訴求後,把「彩虹眷村」原址在重劃案中規劃為公園用地,如此就能永遠保存。藝術就是如此奇妙,除了令這條村增加觀光景點,也能保存這處特色文化資產。黃伯伯可以繼續畫畫自娛,{讓他的畫布有幾大得幾大}。
香港寸金呎土之地可會為藝術而放棄重建?好像曾灶財大部份的塗鴉已被厚厚的油漆埋沒了,未有完善的政策保護他作品以至遭受破壞。文化保育有利於活化香港精神,希望可以看到更多藝術在香港的每一個角落。 林嘉儀導師是居住香港的藝術工作者。她曾在英國伯明翰城市大學修讀藝術教育碩士課程。她在不同中小學校開設畫班,現於國際學校從事藝術教育工作。
2009-2010 MA Art and Education Birmingham City University 2008-2009 BA (Hons) in Visual Communication (Graphic Design) Birmingham City University 工作經驗: Youth Pre-employment training Program 展翅‧青見計劃 Emmanuel Primary School 靈光小學 Swiss art studio瑞士畫室 Po Leung Kuk C.W. Chu College 保良局朱敬文中學 Sir Ellis Kadoorie Secondary School 官立嘉道理爵士中學(西九龍) Caritas Jockey Club Integrated Service 香港明愛青少年及社區服務(樂富) School of Creativity 創意學堂 Sky Studio天地畫室 Chloe Lam is an artist living and working in Hong Kong. She received her Master degree in Art and Education and Bachelor degree in Visual Communication (Graphic Design) from Birmingham City University. She also enjoys writing song on piano, guitar and ukulele, and study multidisciplinary in arts and music in Master degree.She holds variety of art projects in different schools and studios. Using multidiscipline and innovative art activities to elicit student’s talent and express feeling, emotion and ideas . http://chloelam.weebly.com/ We visited a “HK farm” yesterday, so you may think that we properly go to Fan Ling, or Yuen Long. However, we went to Kwun Tong.
HK farm is an organisation established by farmers, artists and designers. Their aim is to communicate the value of rooftop farming and benefits of locally produced food. Having a farm on the roof, it sounds impossible in Hong Kong, especially in Kwun Tong factory. They are growing vegetables, herbs and even composting and harvest honey on their rooftop farm. It is really amazing when you see their honey. Even the bees are working really hard, they can only product 60 jars of honey per year. There is a lot of benefit on having a farm on the roof, like reduce carbon emissions. It is not only environmental-friendly, but also set a great example of unban agriculture in Hong Kong. This visiting gives an inspiring example on how farmers, artists and designers collaborating their idea together and setting up a rooftop farm. They are also working on different environmental -friendly project, like collecting wood and re-design different products. They are very friendly to show you everything they have done, and we also tried the herbs tea. It was really fresh, even thought I still don’t remember the names of each herb, maybe I should go more to take some workshops in their farm. When you hear the story beside them, it is really encourage people who want to start a new business or a project. Looking forward to seeing all green on most of the rooftop. May be the next popular job is being a farmer!! HK Farm http://www.hkfarm.org/ Today I visited Kwun Tong Artists' Studios with Yew Chung International school students, which arranged by Miss Eldridge. Thank you so much. Graphic Airlines- street artists
http://www.graphicairlines.com Graphic Airlines are established in 2002 by TAT & Vi. Their aim is to ENJOY THE VOYAGE! The characters created by design duo Graphic Airlines champion the "aesthetics of ugly". 在香港成為一個藝術家好像是遙不可及的事情, 金錢與藝術的角力永遠令到得多人迷失。由2002 年成立的Graphic Airlines 堅持自己的風格,在多個地方展出,擁有自己品牌商品。他們的故事看似有很圓滿的成果,但十年的路途又有誰人有他們的堅持? 希望今日的學生都可以體會到他們對藝術的熱誠! 堅持創作總會慢慢找到出路! |
May 2024
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